What I’m Writing

Rejecting a Rejection

Looking for a job? Sick of getting your resumé rejected? Why not fire off your own rejection letter of the original rejection?

John Kador does just that with his rejection rejection letter.

Money quote: “I find that your rejection does not meet with my requirements at this time. As a result, I will be starting employment with your firm on the first of the month.”

SEO Tests – Round 1

This is just a page to get the following links added to the search engine indexes. I’m running a quick test:

Interview: The ESPN.com Redesign

Interviewer: Eric A. Meyer, for Netscape Communications

ESPN.com, the online sister of the ESPN cable networks, serves up more than half a billion page views every month, so when the home page of the site dropped all layout tables in favor of structural markup and CSS-driven layout, the Web design community took notice. To add to the intrigue, the site’s design is (as of this writing) being adjusted over time, so that the site is in effect making the latter stages of its redesign process public. For a personal site to do such a thing is rare enough; for a major commercial site to do it would have been almost unimaginable.

The DevEdge team was as fascinated as everyone else, so we asked Associate Art Director Mike Davidson a series of interview questions via e-mail. We were so thrilled by his detailed answers, we decided to to split the interview into two parts rather than be forced to make major cuts for length. In this first part, Mike talks about the benefits of the new design, selling management on the move, browser testing, the ethics of upgrade requirements, and more.

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Interview: Producing a Reaction Through Design

Interviewer: James Jewell, for The Design Authority

Mike Davidson is a designer, not to be confused with an artist. “I didn’t get into design to be an artist,” Davidson says. “To me, an artist creates things to evoke emotion. … Being a designer goes a step further than that, not only trying to evoke emotion but trying to make a reaction. … It is very objective-driven, and that’s what makes it interesting.”
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